started the year strong by offering you a very advantageous offer :

We implemented full support for 3rd party models as part of a release last year. The uptick in the number of companies using solely to house and deploy their models (e.g. scikit learn, tensorflow, pytorch, etc…) has been significant. They migrated to because: 

  • Moving models into production was too hard and took too long
  • Their IT teams didn’t understand the process and created too many hurdles
  • Managing all of the tasks to deploy and maintain the model was too costly
  • The platform offers a full service embedded model monitoring offering for no fee

If this sounds like you or a project you have been a part of, has an offer for you to consider. Rather than repeating 2021, try something different. As part of our commitment to Simplify AI, we are offering a limited window to test your model using’s secure infrastructure. If you’ve built a model and are not happy with the last mile, we are here for you. Our offer:

  • Bring a model you have struggled to deploy into production
  • will dedicate time and resources to work with you to understand your current issues and construct a plan to deploy within
  • There is NO cost for the deployment or infrastructure
  • There is NO cost for supports as this is our commitment to simplifying AI

Start 2022 off with a new resolution. Our team of experts will evaluate your current roadblocks and allow you to benchmark your current process and consider whether testing alternatives is worth it. 

Tuncay Isik

About the author

Tuncay Isik

CEO & Co-founder