Machine Learning VS Expert Systems

Before you acquire a new AI solution, you’ll need to have a clear
strategy for how you want to use it – and how you want to implement and scale it.

Discover our latest white paper: Machine Learning vs. Expert Systems: Which Is Right for You?

Discover our latest white paper:

  • The main differences between executing your AI projects via Expert Sytems & Machine Learning.
  • The advantages for each of these solutions.
  • The challenges you might face while adopting one of those solutions.
  • The best option to choose considering your company size and organization.
Florian Laroumagne

About the author

Florian Laroumagne

Senior Data Scientist & Co-founder

Engineer in computer science and applied mathematics, Florian specialized in the field of Business Intelligence then Data Science. He is certified by ENSAE and obtained 2nd place in the Best Data Scientist of France competition in 2018. Florian is the co-founder of, a startup specializing in the automation of Machine Learning. He is now leading several applied predictive modeling projects for various clients.