In a series of webinars, our experts show you how to solve complex challenges across the AI lifecycle while simplifying and improving your results.

Discover how you can put more of your projects in production and keep them in production. Finish your projects strong. 

This one focus on Experimentation

Building a model is an iterative process that can take weeks, months, or even years, and reproducing model results, maintaining version control, auditing past work is complex. Discover how to simplify and improve results with experimentation through experiment tracking, AutoML, and automated analysis and reports.

Event hosted By Florian Laroumagne and Gérôme Pistre

Florian Laroumagne is a co-founder at and a Senior Data Scientist. Engineer in computer science and applied mathematics, Florian specialized in the field of Business Intelligence then Data Science. He is certified by ENSAE and obtained 2nd place in the Best Data Scientist of France competition in 2018. Florian is the co-founder of, a startup specializing in the automation of Machine Learning. He is now leading several applied predictive modeling projects for various clients.

Gérôme Pistre is the Chief Product Officer for Gerome joined five years ago and was the first Data Scientist on the ground for three years, accompanying clients to solve their business problems with machine learning. He then went on to join to create and head the Product team as it is today to find new ways to help Data Scientists solve their clients’ challenges.